Independence (1916-1945)
- 1915 Gandhi returned from South Africa to live in India
- He get a honorary title “Mahatma” (big soul) because of his merits during the fight
- Till 1920 Gandhi fight with passive resistance and civil disobedience on the top of the Indian National Congress (INC) to become independent from the British colonial rule
- 1922 Gandhi get arrested, but after two years he was discharged because of a appendicitis
- After his release he retire his self from the politics
- His salt march began on the 12.march 1930 when 78 men from the ashram in direction to the sea with thousands of Indians went with him
- At the coast they began with the salt extraction
- This was a delict against the salt monopoly law of the British - Indian empire
→ Mass arrested, Gandhi too
- 1942 Gandhi demanded a immediate independence of India
- Because of that he get arrested in Pune but after two years he was discharged again
- The British prime minister Clement Attlee announced on the 3. June 1947 the independence of India
- But a division of India in a Hindu India and a Moslem India, too
- Gandhi was against this division
- Mahatma Gandhi was shot on the 30.January 1948 on a prayer meeting in New-Delhi